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Why book an astrology reading?

March 26, 2022

Most people are aware of astrology, perhaps even read their ‘stars’ in the newspaper. Yet they are unaware of the benefit of having an astrology reading with a trained, professional astrologer. Sun sign astrology, of the kind found in newspaper and magazine columns, is a ‘one size fits all’ approach that is so generalised that the results are, at best, usually of only limited value. By contrast, an astrology reading is based on the positions of the planets at the moment of your birth, in relation to the location on the Earth in which you were born. Thus each birth chart is unique, and its shape and energies are unique to that person.

The most important underlying principle of astrology is that of symbolic correspondence, expressed in the ancient mystical maxim ‘As above so below, as within so without’. According to this principle, the positions and configuration of the planets in the moment of birth reflect symbolically the character, gifts, challenges and preoccupations of the person being born, and have implications for the life journey of that person. Equally, the principle can be applied to any birth, whether of a person, a new job, a country or a new relationship.

The chart that is created for the moment of a person’s birth is called, appropriately enough, a birth chart (also known as a natal chart). Because this chart reflects the underlying motivations, life challenges and orientation of a person it is usually the foundation on which other charts are developed. For this reason, it is recommended to begin with a birth chart reading before considering other readings such as transits and relationship readings.

Thus the reason for choosing an astrology reading, in the first instance, is in order to better and more deeply know ourselves – how we ‘tick’, our strengths, our challenges, and what kind of life and work is likely to fulfil us the most. Some people fear that this process could lead to being ‘boxed in’ by a generalised interpretation that may or may not fit them. Yet in reality, the interpretations offered in an astrology reading are indications rather than certainties, and can take different forms for different people. This is because astrology studies symbolic or archetypal energies, and these can find different concrete forms of expression, depending on factors such as culture, family background, gender and stage of psychospiritual development.

An example of how this can work is as follows: the Aries archetype is typically considered to have the qualities of boldness, impulsivity, individualism, generosity, courage and forcefulness, among others. On a concrete level, this archetype could be found in the chart of an athlete engaged in a sport that requires courage and aggression, such as boxing, wrestling or rugby. On the other hand, it could also be found in the chart of an artist whose art is individualistic, daring and breaks new ground, perhaps a performance artist or lead singer in a band. Thus the late racing car driver Ayrton Senna and former Midnight Oil singer, activist and politician Peter Garrett both embody Aries energy, but in very different forms and contexts.

So in an astrology reading I will always encourage you to reflect back on your experience of your own life, and take away only those interpretations that ring true for you. you will gain the most out of a reading if you approach the conversation with an open mind and willingness to learn about yourself, but not to the extent of abandoning what you know to be true about yourself. A good astrology reading is a dialogue between astrologer and client, and it is in this dialogue that what is important and of greatest value can be found.

An astrology reading can open the door to a deeper understanding of who you are and your life’s journey, facilitate the healing of old wounds, and give you the tools to make important decisions wisely. It can help you relate better to others, strengthen your relationship with your partner and help you to understand what your child needs to feel happy and secure. It is a powerful, transformative modality that can help you as it has helped others for centuries. It is my wish as a practitioner to hold a compassionate, respectful space for you, so that the art and science of astrology can work its magic, and you can receive what you need for your healing and growth.